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Chemical industry base
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The development history

In order to survive and develop, human beings constantly struggle with nature and gradually deepen their understanding of the world around them, thus mastering the ability to conquer nature and transform the world. Through the long practice of history, human beings have become better and better at using the natural conditions and creating a rich material world for themselves.

Life in ancient times depended more on the direct use of, or extraction of, what was needed. Since the inherent properties of these substances could not meet people's needs, various processing techniques were developed to transform natural substances into new substances with a variety of properties, which were gradually implemented on the scale of industrial production. At first, these products were produced by manual workshops, which later evolved into factories and gradually formed a specific production sector, the chemical industry. With the development of productivity, some production sectors, such as metallurgy, oil refining, paper making, leather making, etc., have been separated from the chemical industry as independent production sectors. With the vigorous development of large-scale petroleum refining industry and petrochemical industry, the discipline of chemical engineering, which is based on chemistry, physics and mathematics and combined with other engineering technologies, has been further improved to study the common laws of chemical production process and solve many engineering technical problems in scale enlargement and large-scale. It has raised the production of chemical industry to a new level, from the state of experience or semi-experience to the new stage of theory and prediction (see the development history of chemical engineering), and enabled the chemical industry to add a lot of material wealth to mankind with its creative capacity of larger scale production and accelerate the development process of human society.

In modern Chinese, chemical industry, chemical engineering and chemical process are called chemical engineering for short. In people's mind, the word "chemical industry" has become a general category of knowledge and the pronoun of the cause, it has an important meaning in the national economy and engineering technology, aroused a wide range of people's interest, attracted thousands of people, dedicate their life to it. The following is a brief introduction of various aspects of human social life to illustrate the colorful content of chemical industry and its important contribution.

From the data, from January to April in 2013, China's crude oil processing volume was 158.683 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 3.2%. Ethylene production was 5.298 million tons, up 3.0% year on year. The production of synthetic resin was 18.518,000 tons, up 9.8% year on year. The production of synthetic fiber monomer was 7.368 million tons, up 1.4% year on year. The production of synthetic rubber was 1.321 million tons, up 7.4% year on year. Ethylene production reversed the negative growth, but the growth rate is very low, the three synthesis are also slow growth.

The profit status of each major petrochemical sub-industry basically shows a small rebound. Among them, the main business revenue of the organic chemical raw material manufacturing industry reached 432.218 billion yuan, up 15.2% year on year, and the total profit reached 11.10 billion yuan, up 2.3% year on year. The main business revenue of synthetic resin manufacturing industry was 242.701 billion yuan, up by 13.5% year on year, and the total profit was 8.031 billion yuan, up by 11.9% year on year. The main business revenue of the synthetic rubber manufacturing industry was 38.833 billion yuan, up 24.9% year on year, and the total profit was 2.17 billion yuan, up 17.2% year on year. The main business revenue of synthetic fiber monomer (polymerization) manufacturing industry was 94.606 billion yuan, down 4.4% year on year, and the total profit was -620 million yuan.

From each major sub-industry, the synthetic fiber monomer (polymerization) manufacturing industry suffered losses due to the impact of factors such as the sharp drop in cotton prices. Profits in the two largest sub-sectors of organic chemical and synthetic resin manufacturing have also rebounded sluggishness, largely reflecting cooling economic fundamentals.

From the perspective of the situation in 2013, although the stable crude oil price around $100 / barrel (brent) is favorable for the whole petrochemical industry chain, the downward trend of demand caused by the continued weakening of the real economy will have an impact on the whole industry. The growth rate of fixed asset investment will decline, the rate of device operation will decline, the economic activity of the industry will decline, the decline cycle of chemical industry will become long and the bottom cannot be clear.

Overall poor performance

On June 23, 2013, according to relevant data, the index of chemical industry was 900 points, lower than the low of 929 points after the international crude oil crash in July last year. As of June 12, the boom degree of the domestic chemical industry was far lower than that of last year. Among the 109 representative chemical products monitored, only 19 rose varieties, accounting for 17.43% of the monitored varieties. The liquid chlorine and hydrochloric acid with the largest rise rate increased by about 40%.

The resistance to the operation of the chemical market mainly comes from the contradiction between supply and demand. In the first half of the year, the market demand is characterized by "early start and insufficient momentum". During the Spring Festival, the middle and downstream enterprises prepare goods in advance, but fail to usher in the spring market as usual. In addition, the international market is also extremely depressed, unable to boost the domestic market, even if soda ash, urea and other products to break export records, this is the manufacturers in the sacrifice of profits on the basis of reducing inventory pressure.

Structural bright spots remain

According to the data, the global pesticide market in 2011 was about $50.3 billion, of which chemical pesticides were $44 billion, with year-on-year growth of 13.4% and 14.9% respectively. It is expected to reach $68.5 billion in 2017. The global pesticide industry is expected to continue to develop at a compound annual growth rate of 5.5% in the next five years. The rapid development of China's pesticide industry is due to the low manufacturing cost and the resulting industrial transfer, and the stricter environmental protection requirements are also conducive to the concentration of production capacity to competitive enterprises.

Revolution assistant

From its inception, the chemical industry has provided the essential building blocks for all sectors of industry. As the assistant of the industrial revolution in each period, it is its historical mission. During the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, handicraft production changed to machine production, steam engine was invented, and mass production of socialization began. Faced with the urgent need of industrial revolution, such technologies as ljublaine method soda ash came into being, which made the existing lead chamber method sulfuric acid also developed, to solve the needs of industry for acid and alkali. At the same time, with the rise of iron and coke industries, aromatic hydrocarbons separated from coal tar and acetylene produced by calcium carbide as the basis of the development of organic chemical industry. Synthetic dyes, chemical synthetic drugs, synthetic spices have come out, rubber tires, celluloid and nitrocellulose are also put into production. Thus, the early chemical industry provided the necessary raw materials and auxiliaries for the textile industry, the transportation industry, the electric power industry and the machine-building industry, contributing to the success of the industrial revolution.

After the two world wars of the 20th century, on the one hand, the oil refining industry in catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming technology successively appeared, such as gasoline, coal, diesel and lube oil production has increased sharply, especially propylene water also isopropyl alcohol after industrialization, hydrocarbon cracking process such as preparing ethylene and propylene have been successful, the basic organic chemical production based on petrochemical technology, allowing it to all industrial departments provide a large number of organic raw materials, solvents, additives, etc. Since then, people often take the ability of hydrocarbon cracking to produce ethylene as a symbol of the development of a country's petrochemical productivity. On the other hand, the high pressure and high temperature technology of ammonia synthesis by haber-bosch method is realized in industry, and nitric acid is put into production, which makes a large number of nitrification substances appear, especially the development of explosive industry from black powder to octo today, and the specific energy of explosives is increased by ten times. This not only solved the urgent need of the war, but also was applied to the civil blasting projects such as mines, railways and Bridges. In addition, chemical industry has made a key contribution to isotope separation in nuclear engineering and application of rocket propellant in aerospace industry.

Agricultural pillar

For a long time, people depended mainly on agriculture for food and clothing. And agriculture since the ancient slash-and-burn, has been relying on a lot of human labor, by a variety of natural conditions, development is very slow. In the 19th century, the use of agricultural machinery gradually improved labor conditions. However, in agricultural production, the real increase in yield per unit area is after the application of fertilizers and pesticides. Practice has proved that the role of chemical fertilizer in the agricultural stimulation measures is up to 40% ~ 65%. On the basis of the booming development of petrochemical industry, the large-scale production of synthetic ammonia and urea makes the output of chemical fertilizers occupy a large proportion in chemical products. In 1985, the total output of chemical fertilizer in the world was about 140Mt, becoming one of the bulk chemical products. The development of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizers and micronutrient fertilizers has further satisfied the needs of different soil structures and crops.

Early on, humans used natural crop pests and diseases. It was not until the end of the 19th century, after the formation of the modern chemical industry, the use of Paris green (arsenic preparation) to kill potato beetles, bordeaux solution to combat grape dew mildew, agriculture began a new era of chemical control. In the 1940s, organochlorine, organophosphorus, phenoxyacetic acid and other pesticides and herbicides were produced, which were widely used in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and public health. However, some of this generation of pesticides have been banned in many countries due to their high residue and toxicity, resulting in ecological pollution. Some new pesticides with high efficiency, low residue and low toxicity have been developed, among which pyrethroid (pyrethroid is a plant with insecticidal effect) is a kind of bionic pesticide, only a few grams per mu of dosage, do not pollute the environment, has been put into industrial production. In addition, biological pesticides are one of the most active fields in pesticide research in the 21st century.

Modern agricultural applications of plastic film (such as high pressure polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, etc.), used as plastic film cover or greenhouse seedlings, can significantly increase crop yield, is being extended to a large area.

Pharmaceutical chemistry

Medicine and pharmacology have always been the field of human efforts to explore. In the earliest Chinese pharmaceutical work shen nong Ben cao jing (written around the 1st century), the performance, preparation and compatibility of 365 drugs are recorded. In the Ming dynasty, li shizhen's compendium of materia medica contained 1,892 kinds of medicines. These drugs are extracted from natural minerals or plants and animals, most of which have to be soaked to accentuate their effects or remove their toxicity before they can be used. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the production of antipyretic analgesic aspirin, antisyphilis drug "606" (arsenic preparation), antimalarial drug a equality, these chemical synthesis drugs cost low, high purity, not affected by natural conditions, showing obvious efficacy. In the 1930s, people used chemical analysis to identify the vitamin structure in fruit and rice bran, and produced vitamin C and vitamin B1 by artificial synthesis, which solved the contradiction of insufficient yield and unstable quality of vitamin extracted from natural substances. After the production of sulfonamide in 1935, tens of thousands of puerperal fever patients were saved. Penicillin discovery and production, in the second world war, the treatment of the wounded and sick, received amazing results. Streptomycin and sodium para - aminosalicylate, remiphen beat tuberculosis bacteria, the end of a historical period of this creeping disease of human threat. Smallpox, plague, typhoid and so on, until the 19th century, had been one of the disasters beyond human control, after the introduction of antiviral vaccines into industrial production, these infectious diseases were basically eliminated. Vaccines in the 21st century remain powerful weapons in the fight against viral diseases. There are also a variety of clinical chemicals and new drug formulations constantly emerging, which have greatly improved the medical industry and human health

Chemical industry provides people with a variety of products, in addition to the production of a large number of materials used to make all kinds of products for human use, there is a small amount of products, but the effect is very obvious, so that people's life has been constantly improved. For example, various food additives used for food preservation, seasoning and nutrition enhancement; Improve vegetable growth regulator and preservative; To promote the meat, eggs rich feed additives; Basic materials and auxiliaries for the production of cosmetics and fragrances and fragrances; Paint for the decoration of houses, furniture and various kinds of works and utensils; Pigments for various printing inks; And the surface active agent that catharsis supplies USES wait a moment, too numerous enumerate. There are also photographic film (photosensitive material), sound recording (like) magnetic tape (magnetic recording material), and laser television records (CD). By means of these methods, we can enhance communication, reproduce historical scenes and perform superb art. With the help of information recording materials, it has extended people's vision to the space, the deep sea or deep into the internal organs, and even dissecting the atomic structure, which has provided conditions for improving the spiritual civilization of human beings and unraveling the mysteries of nature.

Chemical materials

The improvement of industrial and agricultural production and life mentioned above is inseparable from materials. According to statistics, as of 1984, there were about 9 million kinds of chemical substances in the world, of which about 43% were materials. Although the number of materials is large, if classified by chemical composition, can be summarized as metal materials, inorganic non-metallic materials and polymer materials three categories. There are also cases where composites are listed as a fourth class or as a new class of materials derived from three classes. Generally speaking, except the metal is the product produced by the metallurgical sector, the rest is the material produced by the chemical industry.


Inorganic nonmetallic material

It is divided into traditional materials and new materials. The former is mainly silicate material; The latter is diverse and developing rapidly.

Silicate materials refer to glass, ceramics, cement and enamel, etc. They are produced from silicate ores and are widely used as building materials, as well as commodities and arts and crafts. Glass and ceramics although brittle fragile is its main disadvantage; However, due to easy access to raw materials, simple production process, chemical stability of the product is good, and has high hardness, heat and corrosion resistance and other advantages, the use is very wide, large output, and is still in constant development.

New inorganic nonmetallic materials

Mainly special ceramics. With the development of industry, agriculture, military industry and science and technology, new structural ceramics have come out. They are composed of different oxides, silicides, carbides, nitrides, fluorides, borides, etc. It mainly includes high temperature resistant materials, electrical insulation materials, ferroelectric materials, piezoelectric materials, semiconductor ceramic materials and so on. In the 21st century, a ceramic engine was developed for automobiles, which can raise the temperature of gas to more than 1400℃, which is of great significance for improving efficiency and saving energy. The manufacturing process of these materials is characterized by high requirements on the purity of the raw materials, strict control over the composition, microstructure, and surface and interface of the products, as well as detailed and complex shapes, requiring precision machining. The success of this new material is based on a high level of science and technology.

Polymer material

It mainly includes plastic, chemical fiber and rubber. There are many kinds of synthetic materials, which are monomer produced by petrochemical industry and made by polymerization reaction. Some have the special performance that natural material place cannot achieve, be used in industry and agriculture production and daily life extensively, develop very fast so. In the 1930s, the world output of polymer materials did not exceed 100kt, and by the 1980s it had reached about 80Mt, with plastics accounting for 3/4. Because plastic is lighter than metal, its output by volume today exceeds that of metallic materials.

The base material of polymer material is synthetic resin. Plastic products are light (generally only 1/9 of steel), corrosion resistance, heat resistance, good electrical insulation, easy to process and shape, in recent decades a large number of used to replace metal, glass, paper, wood, etc. Plastic film is mainly used as packaging material, in agriculture, is also widely used. Plastic pipes are widely used as oil and water pipes for automobiles. Car cases and parts are also made of plastic. Floors and doors and Windows treated with PVC are five times more resistant to wear than those treated with wood. Plexiglass has half the density of ordinary glass and up to 17 times the impact strength. Plastics are also widely used in the electronics and electrical industry, making wires, cables, switches and instrument cases. Plastic products can be said to have been deeply into people's production and life in every corner. There are some synthetic resins with special functions, known as functional polymer materials, such as conductive materials, semiconductor materials, photosensitive resins, photoconductive materials and superconducting materials, etc., aroused great interest.

Chemical fiber

Synthetic natural fibers, including those made from raw materials and chemically processed, were popular in the 1920s and 1930s, but their production was limited by natural fiber sources. Synthetic fiber products appeared in the mid-1940s, the source of raw materials for the rich petrochemical products. There are many kinds of chemical fiber, and there are filament, short silk, bristle silk, stretch silk and all kinds of profiled silk. They can be respectively pure spinning, blending, so the variety of fabric is very much, and the production efficiency is high, not limited by the natural conditions, effectively solve the conflict with grain and cotton land. The production of tons of chemical fiber can be equivalent to the annual production of 300,000 mu (1 mu =666.6m2) of cotton field; Or from 2.5 million sheep a year. By the 1980s, two-thirds of the world's textiles were made from chemical fibres. Hollow fiber made from some polymers is used as separation membrane, which has important significance in seawater desalination, gas separation, ultrapure material preparation and biotechnology.


It's a strategic material. Natural rubber grows only in tropical and subtropical regions. Countries that do not produce rubber, considering that they will be blockades in time of war, attach great importance to the synthetic rubber industry based on petrochemicals. There are many varieties of synthetic rubber, some varieties have better heat resistance, cold resistance, oil resistance and other properties than natural rubber. The biggest consumption of rubber is to make tires, in addition to the production of rubber hose, tape, rubber shoes, mold silicon rubber, and latex products. Rubber is an indispensable sealing material for all kinds of equipment. Since the 1970s, the production of natural rubber has been basically stable at 3-3.5mt, while the production of synthetic rubber has reached 6Mt in the 1970s and increased to 8Mt in the 1980s, and there is still a trend of continuous increase.

Composite materials

It is a new type of structural material. It is characterized by volume - to - volume strength, volume - to - volume stiffness and corrosion resistance more than metal materials. It is composed of synthetic resin, metal or ceramic matrix materials and inorganic or organic synthetic fiber reinforced materials. There are many kinds of base materials and reinforcing materials, so it is possible to cooperate selectively to produce a variety of composites with the properties meeting the requirements, so that the chemical materials have a broader prospect.

Chemical energy editor

Ancient chemical

The history of chemical processing before it became an industry can be traced back to the middle of the 18th century. Since then, people have been able to use chemical processing methods to make some necessities of life, such as pottery, brewing, dyeing, smelting, lacquer making, paper making and the manufacture of medicine, gunpowder and soap.

In neolithic age caves in China have the residual pottery. Around 50 century BC yangshao culture, have red pottery, grey pottery, black pottery, painted pottery, etc (see color map [China's neolithic period (2500 BC) fire coloured pottery], [the sui dynasty (581 ~ 618) fired three painted pottery camel], [the western han dynasty (206 BC - AD 25 years) produced by moire paint] ", [the tang dynasty (618 ~ 907) of yue state kiln firing celadon water jet], [, an ancient Chinese lyrics figure]) in zhejiang hemudu cultural relics unearthed in China, with the same period the wooden bowl, Scarlet raw lacquer coating. The ruins of shang dynasty (17 ~ before the 11th century BC) lacquer ware fragment of the warring states period (475 ~ 221 BC) lacquer process has very elegant. 20th century BC, wine to drink and worship. The 25th century BC, Egypt mummy with dyeing material. In the 21st century, China has entered the Bronze Age, the 5th century BC, into the iron age, with the smelting of copper and iron making weapons, farming tools, cooking utensils, tableware, Musical Instruments, such as currency. Salt, for food, early in the 11th century BC, the zhou dynasty palm has established of salt administrative officer. 7 ~ 6th century b.c., The phoenicians used goat fat and wood ash to make soap.

Before and after the AD, China and Europe to enter the alchemy, alchemy period. China due to refining elixir, and the study of medicine. In the qin and han dynasties to complete the first drug monograph of huang di ", document the move, planting, 365 kinds of mineral medicine. In the 16th century, li shizhen's "compendium of materia medica" summarizes the previous drug, has the very high academic level. In addition, about 7 ~ 9 century mixing method of three components, and in a period when the gunpowder has as a military. Europe since the 3rd century alchemy of superstition, until the 15th century by the alchemy of gradually to the pharmaceutical, The 15th to 17th centuries were called the pharmaceutical period. The preparation of medicines, acids, nitric acids, hydrochloric acids and organic acids in pharmaceutical research. Although it did not form an industry, it led to the development of chemical preparation methods, which prepared the ground for the establishment of the chemical industry in the middle of the 18th century.

Energy can be divided into primary energy and secondary energy. Primary energy refers to the heat or power obtained from nature and can be used directly. It usually includes coal, oil, etc. The world's energy consumption is enormous, mainly fossil fuels. In 1985, the world's primary energy consumption reached 10610Mt of standard coal, including 39.9% oil, 29.7% coal, 21.1% natural gas, 7.7% hydropower and 4.9% nuclear power. China's primary energy consumption reached 764Mt of standard coal, including 75.9% coal, 17.1% oil, 4.8% hydropower and 2.2% natural gas. Secondary energy (other than electricity) is usually a more valuable fuel produced from primary energy (mainly fossil fuels) through various chemical processes. For example, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, heavy oil and other liquid fuels obtained from petroleum refining are widely used in automobiles, airplanes and ships, and are important materials for modern transportation and military affairs. There are also important gaseous fuels such as industrial gas and civil gas made by coal processing; It also includes synthetic petroleum from coal and oil shale.

The relationship between chemical industry and energy is very close, which is also reflected in the fact that fossil fuels and their derived products are not only energy, but also important raw materials for chemical industry. Based on petroleum, a modern and powerful petrochemical industry has formed, producing thousands of kinds of petrochemical products. In chemical production, some materials are both fuel and raw material for a certain process, such as syngas production. So chemical production is the production of secondary energy sector, itself is often a large energy consumption.

The processing and application of fossil fuels, especially coal, often produce sewage, solid wastes and harmful gases, leading to environmental pollution. The prevention and control of pollution also depends on the application of various chemical technology.

China's energy production has made great progress since 1949, but energy (especially oil) is still an important factor restricting the development of national economy, so it is of great significance to increase and save energy. Improving chemical production process and reducing energy consumption can not only reduce production cost and improve economic benefits, but also be conducive to easing energy stress.

In the long run, worldwide, fossil fuels are expected to remain the dominant source of energy through the first half of the 21st century. As time goes by, due to the limitation of fossil fuel resources, the development of some unconventional energy sources will be paid more and more attention. Unconventional energy refers to nuclear energy and alternative energy, the latter including wave energy, Marine energy and biological energy (such as methane). Chemical engineering and chemical production technology are also very useful in the long process of research, development and large-scale application of solar energy and nuclear energy.

Other technologies

The driving force for the development of chemical industry is the need for chemicals in industrial and agricultural production and People's Daily life. Among them, the relationship with the chemistry is particularly close, the chemistry is the chemical engineering must not leave the discipline. Among them, there were also "industrial chemistry", "applied chemistry" and other disciplines, which played a certain historical role. Chemical infrastructure cannot be separated from civil engineering and electric power engineering. The manufacture of chemical machinery is inseparable from mechanical engineering and a variety of metal materials, especially stainless steel, and even special steel. What chemical machinery pays special attention to is the reliability under high temperature and high pressure, that is, the probability that the system, equipment and components complete the specified function under specified conditions. Modern chemical plant tends to large scale, single series production, for the reliability of the study is particularly important.

The control of chemical process is inseparable from electronics, computers and automation. These theories and instruments can not only be used in production, but also be used to solve the problems of development prediction, decision-making and operation management. In the 1980s, a number of fields developed vigorously in the new technology revolution. In addition to the aforementioned energy and materials, microelectronics technology, biotechnology and other cutting-edge sciences, with their strong vitality, put forward higher requirements for chemical industry, thus pushing it forward.

Microelectronic technology electrical technology is inseparable from microelectronic technology. In microelectronics technology, the application of large scale and very large scale integrated circuits has put forward new requirements for chemical industry. Examples include ultrapure gases and water, reagents for the electronics industry, photoresist, liquid crystals and etchant, dopants, adhesives, etc.

There are dozens of ultrapure gases used in microelectronics, including borane, boron trichloride, dichlorosilane, carbon tetrafluoride and other gases that do not exist in nature, in addition to oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and other common gases. The purity of the chemical products used has a great influence on the finished semiconductor products. When industrial gases are used, the yield is only 10%. With gases containing less than 10ppm of impurities and corresponding high purity chemical reagents, the yield can be increased to 70% ~ 80%. In terms of water consumption, the integrated circuit with the integration degree of 1Mb allows the particle size in the water to be no more than 0.1m. In order to make pure water close to the theory, the production methods developed from distillation and ion exchange to the method of combining membrane separation and ion exchange in the 1970s, so that the pure water preparation technology reached a new level.

The key to the production of microelectronic devices is photoresist. The photoresist used in vlsi is a photosensitive resin made of aromatic azide compounds. Liquid crystal is an indispensable display material in microelectronic devices. It is a kind of organic compound, because the requirement displays the temperature the single liquid crystal all cannot reach this kind of requirement, must use many kinds of same type or different type of liquid crystal mix to match to use.

Biotechnology microorganisms are living cell catalysts that transform raw materials into products through a fermentation process at atmospheric pressures and low temperatures. Over the years, this traditional biotechnology has been used to produce ethanol, butanol, acetone, acetic acid and other products. The yield of acrylamide from acrylonitrile was 99.8%. In addition, enzymatic catalysts, especially immobilized enzymes, can be used to produce organic products. Biotechnology used in chemical industry, less investment, energy and raw materials, less pollution, can be produced by conventional methods difficult to make substances, such as interferon, insulin, monoclonal antibodies. The preparation of these drugs using recombinant DNA technology promises to transform the pharmaceutical industry.

Biotechnology has put forward new requirements for chemical engineering, mainly to solve the biochemical reactor suitable for the mass culture of microorganisms, and to satisfy the separation technology and process control of complex biochemical reaction processes. In this respect, a new frontier discipline -- biochemical engineering has been formed, which has made a lot of achievements by applying the theory of chemical engineering to the research and development of biocatalysts, biochemical reaction engineering and new unit operation

As a branch of knowledge, chemical industry has various decomposition or comprehensive classification methods in different historical periods and under different requirements of different purposes. Can be classified according to the source of raw materials, product nature, also can be classified according to the process law, historical connection. Each division method is difficult to adapt strictly. This volume tries to reduce the unnecessary crossing, adopts the comprehensive classification method, designs the fuel chemical branch which starts from the raw material; Starting from the product of inorganic chemical, basic organic chemical, polymer chemical, fine chemical and other branches; There is also a branch of chemical engineering which starts from the common process law, and a comprehensive branch which starts from the historical development and the horizontal connection. Fuel chemical raw materials are petroleum, natural gas, coal and oil shale and other combustible minerals, so it is divided into petroleum refining industry, petrochemical, natural gas chemical, coal chemical and shale oil industry. Among them, petroleum refining industry is an industrial sector with high production value and an important economic lifeline of the country. Natural gas is often symbiotic with petroleum, and natural gas chemical industry is often classified as petrochemical industry. At present, petroleum refining and petrochemical industry is the main part of fuel chemical industry. The products produced by fuel chemical industry include fuel and chemical raw materials, the latter are mainly organic chemical raw materials (in addition to synthetic gas, which is also used to produce inorganic chemical products, such as synthetic ammonia). Therefore, petrochemical industry is also the main component of basic organic chemical industry. From the petrochemical industry can produce plastic, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber and other three major synthetic materials, which is the main product of polymer chemical industry. Therefore, fuel chemical industry, basic organic chemical industry and polymer chemical industry are organically linked together. As for inorganic chemical industry, the raw materials used are both combustible minerals and inorganic minerals. Its products mainly include chemical fertilizers, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other acids, soda ash, caustic soda and other alkali, as well as inorganic salts, industrial gases and inorganic non-metallic materials. Silicate materials in inorganic nonmetallic materials are sometimes classified into the field of traditional building materials. Fine chemicals produce small quantities of chemicals with special functions that are mainly used for consumption. Due to the development of market demand, some products have become large quantities of products, but according to the habit, often still as fine chemical products. There are mainly dyes, pesticides, medicine, explosives, information recording materials, coatings, pigments, adhesives, catalysts, various additives and chemical reagents. While the production of pharmaceuticals and explosives is often considered separately, fine chemicals are inorganic, organic, and polymer, and are an integrated sector with a functional focus. In the new technological revolution with the vigorous development of microelectronics technology, biotechnology and new materials, fine chemicals have added new vitality to the chemical industry.

Chemical engineering is divided into chemical thermodynamics, transfer process, unit operation, chemical reaction engineering and chemical system engineering. The former two are the theoretical basis of chemical engineering, and unit operation is the earliest concept of chemical engineering, which decomposes the physical process of chemical production into several units, such as fluid transport, distillation, extraction, heat exchange, drying, etc. These unit operations not only play an important role in chemical production, but also are widely used in metallurgy, light industry, food industry, nuclear industry and other industries with common characteristics of chemical industry. Unit operations continue to develop and improve, such as the 21st century development of granulation, as a theory of powder engineering, has been applied to catalyst particle size design, high temperature gas dust removal, grain drying and transportation. Chemical reaction engineering focuses on the transfer and kinetics of chemical reaction processes on an industrial scale to solve the problems of reactor design and amplification. As for chemical system engineering, it is a marginal subject that USES the theory and method of system engineering to solve the optimization problem of chemical process.

The core contents of chemical industry can be summed up in the six branches mentioned above, and it is also composed of these six branches. However, this classification method is not entirely reasonable, such as the catalyst industry is included in the fine chemical industry. Although theoretically, the catalyst has the special function of accelerating the reaction rate and is a small amount of material that does not participate in the reaction, but in the large-scale production today, the output and loading amount of catalyst is also quite large, China in 1985, the amount of petroleum refining catalyst up to 20kt. And the use of catalysts throughout the fuel, inorganic, organic, polymer and fine chemical and other fields. There are many such attributions.

In addition, environmental protection is not only the common problem that each department of chemical industry continuously solves, but also the field that chemical industry can make contribution to. The modern chemical industry, which emerged in the 18th century, has a history of more than 200 years. It has created numerous chemical products, and at the same time, it has discharged exhaust gas, waste liquid and waste residue, polluting the environment. As a result, the chemical workers are required to do their best to become emissions-free projects. The development of other sectors of the national economy also causes public hazards to a greater or lesser extent. In the long run, the emission beyond the self-purification ability of the natural environment will make the living environment of human beings worse and worse. Therefore, people of insight to the world's atmosphere, water, soil, biological pollution and damage, issued a danger warning. In order to solve the pollution, protect the environment, and make the ecological balance of nature to a new harmony, chemical industry will become a major force.

The development trend

In 2011, the comprehensive strength of the chemical industry was further strengthened. By the end of November 2011, there were 24,125 enterprises in the chemical industry with a total output value of 6.0 trillion yuan, up 35.2 percent year on year, accounting for 58.61 percent of the total output value of the industry. In the first 11 months of 2011, fixed asset investment in the chemical industry reached 861.721 billion yuan, up 26.9% year on year, 5.5 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of the whole industry, accounting for 70.12%. In the first 10 months of 2011, the total profit of the chemical industry reached 320.898 billion yuan, up 44.4% year on year, accounting for 47.1% of the total profit of the whole industry. It is estimated that the annual output value of the chemical industry is about 6.58 trillion yuan, up 32% year-on-year, and the total profit is 350 billion yuan, up 35%. In 2011, the added value of the chemical industry increased by 14.8% year on year, slowing down by 1 percentage point year on year. Among the major products, ethylene production reached 15.28 million tons, up 7.4%. The output of primary plastics was 47.98 million tons, up 9.3%. The output of synthetic rubber was 3.49 million tons, up 13.1%. The output of synthetic fiber was 30.96 million tons, up 13.9%. The output of caustic soda was 24.66 million tons, up 15.2%. Soda ash output was 23.03 million tons, up 13.4%. 60.27 million tons of fertilizer, up 12.1%; Among them, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer output increased by 8.6%, 24.3% and 10.8%, respectively. Pesticide output reached 2.65 million tons, up 21.4 percent. The output of rubber tires totaled 83.09 million, up 8.5%. Calcium carbide output was 17.38 million tons, up 22.3 percent.

China is in the stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization, and some petroleum and chemical products still have great room for growth. Private enterprises should find a good entry point and fully participate in the development of petrochemical industry. Refined oil, potash and other subsectors, alkenes, some organic raw materials and other products with large gaps, natural gas, light hydrocarbon and other low-carbon new materials, new specialty chemicals and other high-end products, will be the areas with large growth space during the 12th five-year plan period. In the downstream petrochemical industry, high-end organic raw materials, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber and coal-to-natural gas should be developed during the 12th five-year plan period to speed up the elimination of backward traditional coal chemical production capacity. During the 12th five-year plan period, the scale of petroleum and chemical industries will continue to grow steadily, and the annual growth rate of total output will reach more than 10%. By 2015, the total output value of the whole industry will increase to about 16 trillion yuan. Over the past decade, China's petroleum and chemical industries have grown at an average annual rate of 20.6 percent, and by the end of 2010, the total output value of the petroleum and chemical industries had reached 8.88 trillion yuan. At present, China's industrialization process has not yet been completed, urbanization is in a period of rapid development, and the development of housing and transportation forms a large-scale demand for energy and raw materials. There is still a large space for the development of petroleum and chemical industries in a fairly long period of time in the future. Petrochemical and chemical industry are key areas supported by the state. Specific, key development during the "twelfth five-year" petrochemical residual ebullated bed hydrogenation, flexible suspended bed hydrogenation, coking, such as heavy oil catalytic cracking technology, countries Ⅴ standard clean fuel technology, FCC flue gas desulfurization denitration technology, ethylene cracking, separation, cryogenic, distillation and other advanced control and optimization technology and comprehensive utilization of by-product, aromatics production of complete sets of technology, synthetic resin, synthetic rubber, high-performance technology, special synthetic fiber production technology, new molecular sieves materials, catalyst carrier, and the preparation of new technology, etc.

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