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Wire rope cone head fuse heating equipment, hemp core wire rope end annealing application
点击次数:335  更新时间:2019-11-19  【打印此页】  【关闭

Wire rope taper fuse heating equipment, hemp core wire rope end annealing application, natural fiber and synthetic fiber core stainless steel wire rope ends after induction heating, fast fuse to form a junction. Super audio induction heating equipment can meet the above requirements, in addition to the corresponding tooling to meet its operation. The electrical parameters of the equipment are as follows:

Model: YFL - 120

Input power: 120KW

Input voltage: three-phase 380V 50-60hz

Oscillation frequency: [15-25khz] 25-35khz


160KW main control cabinet 650mm*480mm*1440mm

Transformer cabinet 500mm*800mm*580mm

Advantages of high-frequency induction heating equipment for wire rope fusion:

1. Workshop working environment is improved and pollution-free.

2. The equipment frequency conforms to the relevant national environmental standards, and the personal radiation can be neglected.

3. The equipment has no starting voltage and is pollution-free to the power grid.

4. Improve production efficiency and reduce costs.

5. The temperature of induction heating is uniform, reaching the heating temperature of interference coordination.

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